Ampli tabung 6V6 PushPull

6V6 tube amps use a common market, using the topology (schematic) push pull common as well and are often found on the Internet.
OT = China
Transformer = American
Transformer Coke = local
Chassis = China
Power tube = 6n6c russia (6V6)
Inverter tube = ecc 81 sylvania black plate
input tube = ecc 83 black plate

Point to point soldering


Power Pentode
Octal Base

6F6, KT63 Power Pentode. Octal base version of type 42. Moderate power output rating—9 watts max. (single-ended Class A circuit); 11 watts max. (push-pull Class A circuit); 19 watts max. (push-pull Class AB2 circuit). Available in metal (numbered "6F6"), shouldered glass ("6F6-G"), and cylindrical glass ("6F6-GT"). Sometimes used as a transformer-coupled audio driver for types 6L6-GC and 807 when those tubes were used in Class AB2 or Class B amplifiers. Also used as a Class C oscillator/amplifier in transmitters.
